Election Information for Candidates
The upcoming Municipal Election to elect a Mayor, Deputy Mayor, Municipal Councillors and School Board Trustees will be held on Monday, October 24, 2022. This Four (4) Year Term of Office starts November 15, 2022 and will end on November 14, 2026.
Any individual looking to run for Municipal Office or for a School Board Trustee must be considered an eligible candidate and complete the prescribed nomination procedures.
The 2022 Municipal Election Candidate Packages are now available for pick-up at the Town Hall, 55 King Street, West, Cobourg ON, K9A 2M2.
Nominations for Office
Mayor (One (1) to be Elected at Large)
Deputy Mayor (One (1) to be Elected at Large)
Councillor (Five (5) to be Elected at Large)
Two (2) Trustees to be elected for Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board (English Language Public School Board).
One (1) Trustees to be elected for Peterborough, Victoria, Northumberland and Clarington Catholic District School Board (English Language Separate School Board). Nominations shall be filed in the Town of Cobourg Municipal Clerk’s Office.
One (1) Trustee to be elected for Conseil Scolaire Viamonde (French Language Public School Board).
One (1) Trustee to be elected for Conseil Scolaire Catholique MonAvenir (French Language Separate School Board). Nominations shall be filed in the City of Oshawa Municipal Clerk’s Office, 50 Centre Street South, Oshawa
Nomination Process
A candidate may file their nomination papers as of May 2, 2022 at 8:30 am – Nomination Day on August 19, 2022 from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm.
To be an eligible candidate an individual must be:
- A Canadian Citizen
- Aged 18 years or older on the day of filing
- Must qualify as an eligible resident or non-resident elector on the day of filing.
A potential candidate must file nomination papers prior to receiving any campaign contributions and/or expending any funds on a campaign.
Candidate Information packages are now available for pick-up at the Municipal Clerk's Office. The package includes all information in order to proceed with a nomination for the 2022 Municipal Election. Schedule a time to meet with the Municipal Clerk to view the information and learn about the process!
The nomination of a person for an office on Council must be endorsed by at least twenty-five (25) persons and those endorsing the nomination must be eligible to vote in an election for an office within the Municipality if a regular election was held on the day that the person endorses the nomination.
When filing you must submit the following:
- Nomination Papers – Form 1 (Nomination Paper) and Form 2 (Endorsement)
- Declaration of Qualifications
- Filing Fee - $100 for Councillor/Deputy Mayor and $200 for Mayor
- Consent to Release Information
- Candidate’s Declaration
* The requirement to submit Form 2 with 25 nomination signatures does not apply to candidates running for school board trustee positions
Campaign provisions have been clarified to allow candidates to access apartment buildings, condominiums, non-profit housing co-ops or gated communities from 9:00 a.m. until 9:00 p.m. in order to campaign. Landlords and condominium corporations will not be allowed to prohibit tenants or owners from displaying campaign signs in their windows.
Candidates are required to identify themselves on campaign advertisements and signs, so that it is clear who is responsible for each sign and advertisement that appears or is broadcast.
- Corporations and trade unions are no longer eligible to contribute to municipal election campaigns. This includes all council and school board elections. Corporations and trade unions can be third party advertisers and contribute to third party advertisers.
- Contribution limit has been rased from $750 to $1,200 for individual donations to any one candidate. The $5,000 limit for donations to all candidates remains the same.
- A candidate for an office on Municipal Council and his or her spouse shall not make contributions to the candidate’s own election campaign that, combined, for the office of Mayor exceed an amount equal to $7,500 plus 20 cents for each elector entitled to vote for the office or for the office of Councillor exceed and amount equal to $5,000 plus 20 cents per elector entitled to vote for the office.
- A candidate who does not accept any contributions of money, or incur any expenses, is not required to open a bank account.
- Every candidate will be entitled to a refund of the nomination fee if they file their campaign financial statement and, if needed, the auditor’s report by the deadline.
- There is a 30-day grace period for candidates who miss the deadline to file a financial statement and auditor’s report, provided that the candidate or third party advertiser pays a $500 late filing fee to the municipality.
- If a candidate or has filed their financial statement before the deadline and then discovers an error, they can file a corrected financial statement and auditor’s report up until the filing deadline.
- If an eligible voter believes that a candidate has contravened an election campaign finance rule, the voter may apply for a compliance audit. Compliance Audit Committees will be required to provide brief written reasons for their decisions.
- There will be a new process regarding contribution limits. The clerk who conducted the election is responsible for reviewing the contributions that are reported on the financial statements to council and trustee candidates. If a contributor appears to have given more than the contribution limits allow, the clerk will report this to the Compliance Audit Committee. The Compliance Audit Committee will then decide whether to commence a legal proceeding against the contributor.
2022 Municipal Election Candidate Information Session
Please view the video below to for more information from the 2022 Municipal Candidate Information Session as presented by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing host by the Northumberland County Municipal Clerks.

Town of Cobourg
Legislative Services Division
Elections - Returning Officer
55 King Street West
Cobourg, ON K9A 2M2
Telephone: 905-372-4301
Fax: 905-372-7558
Send an Email